Sneak Peak On My Next Get The Look Post – Kimye (Kim Kardashian And Kanye West) + The Super model, Rob Evans!

Hey guys, here is a sneak peak of tomorrows get the look post of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. I do not have time to make an outfit right now, so will just have to wait until tomorrow. In the meanwhile lets just take a second and just adore Rob Evans Beautiful physical.  I was looking for a new cover photo on Facebook (lol), that was really hot and that’s when I thought of Rob Evans (my boo, lol). I then searched Rob Evans on Tumblr hashtags and found these amazing photos of the super model (one of them my new cover photo). He is to die for! He is a great mix between Tyson Beckford and Chris Brown, Right? The skin color reminds me of Chris and the big physical more Tyson.


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Au Revoir, peepz!

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